Early Beginnings

Meet Our Master Builders

At Pinewood Enterprises, we pride ourselves on our exceptional team of skilled contractors and builders dedicated to bringing your construction dreams to life. Today, we’d like to introduce you to our team of builders, including our founders son Chris, whose passion for construction has propelled our company to new heights.

Chris’s Inheritance of a Legacy

From a young age, Chris displayed a remarkable affinity for the world of construction, which was deeply ingrained in his family’s heritage of skilled craftsmen and builders. Surrounded by the trade since childhood, he absorbed invaluable lessons in hard work, dedication, and creativity. At the tender age of 10, with the expert guidance of his skilled grandfather, Chris embarked on his first construction project—a dollhouse for his sister—an endeavor that symbolized his innate passion for the craft.

As the years went by, Chris’s love for the construction process continued to grow, eventually leading him back to the Florida Keys to follow in his father’s footsteps after completing his Bachelor’s degree at Florida Atlantic University (FAU). He pursued a degree in Communications with a minor in Business, a combination that equipped him with the necessary tools to excel in the construction industry.

During his time at university, Chris consistently honed his skills by working diligently in the field during summer breaks and holidays, immersing himself in the practical aspects of carpentry. This hands-on experience, complemented by his academic background, formed a solid foundation for Chris’s professional growth in the construction sector.